Display and control of possession time
Bodet Sport offers a selection of shot clocks adapted to the different sizes of sports facilities as and the different disciplines requiring this type of display.
Counting down the possession time using the 24-second shot clocks

The 6008 shot clock (FIBA LEVEL 1 certified) has been especially designed for basketball competitions. It provides a 4-sided display of possession time. This shot clock is intended to be installed in large facilities such as arenas.

The 8006 shot clock has been designed for basketball (FIBA LEVEL 2 certified). It allows display and management of possession time during basketball matches. This shot clock is intended to be installed in large sports halls.

The 6002C 24-second shot clock has been especially designed for basketball. It has a built-in horn and HF radio communication. This shot clock is intended to be installed in small and medium-sized facilities hosting competitions.

Displaying the ball possession by one of the teams during basketball matches using the possession arrow
During basketball games, the possession arrow displays the possession of the ball on the court and on the scoring table. Compatible with all scoreboards designed for basketball, the possession arrow is controlled by using a 3-position switch.

3X3 basketball: Display of 12-second possession time
Especially designed for 3x3 basketball, the BTX6002 SOLO shot clock is an intuitive product for managing time possession both during competitions and training. For both indoor and outdoor use, the BTX6002 SOLO is robust and shock-resistant. It can either be set on the basketball backboard or placed on the floor. It is light and easy to transport. Furthermore, its waterproof casing makes it resistant to rain or wet environments.
The BTX6002 shot clock is also used to count down the 20 or 30 seconds of possession time in other sports such as water polo (BTX6002 WP).
The BTX6002 can be used in wired mode or radio mode by adding a modem. For easy installation, connect the keyboard to the display and start the match!

The possession keyboard for controlling shot clocks
Possession time, a crucial element in sports such as basketball or water polo, is controlled using the possession keyboard. It is possible to set the shot clocks to 12, 14, 24 or 30 seconds for basketball and water polo.

Displaying possession and game time using yellow and red LED strips
Yellow: The yellow LED strip is a lighting system for basketball backboards. It is activated at the end of each period of possession. This yellow LED strip is placed horizontally at the top of the basketball backboard and is compatible with the whole range of Bodet Sport scoreboards for basketball.
Red: The red LED strip is a lighting system for basketball backboards. It is automatically activated at the end of each game period. The system is made up of 6 red LED strips and designed for optimal and customised integration on each backboard.