Scoreboard compatibility


Ice Hockey

Canoe polo

Rink hockey


A scoreboard dedicated to ice hockey
This scoreboard has been designed for ice hockey by displaying the 2 penalty times along with the player’s number. It is also suitable for timing floorball, inline hockey and rink hockey.
Aware of sports regulation changes, Bodet Sport often has its products evolve in order to meet the needs of communities as well as amateur or professional clubs. The BTX6125 HK is perfectly suited to regional and national ice hockey competitions since it displays 2 penalty times along with the number of the player concerned.
Its hermetic design makes it suitable for outdoor use, while its intermediate size also makes it suitable for indoor spaces. Always with optimal functionality. Its electronics are coated with a tropicalisation resin which allows it to resist cold, corrosion and humid environments.
Manufactured in France
Scoreboard manufactured in Trémentines (France) in an ISO 14001 certified production site due to its good environmental performance
Scoreboard guaranteed for 2 years by Bodet Sport and spare parts available more than 10 years after the end of marketing.
Scoreboard designed with a shockproof protection (DIN standard 18032).
Ice Hockey
Canoe polo
Rink hockey
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